
Administering Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MS55348)

This five-day course describes how to use Configuration Manager and its associated site systems to efficiently manage network resources. In this five-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage applications, client health, hardware and software inventory, operating system deployment, and software updates by using Configuration Manager. You also will learn how to optimize Endpoint Protection, manage compliance, and create management queries and reports.

Although this course and the associated labs are written for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and Windows 11, the skills taught will also be backwards compatible with previous editions of System Center Configuration Manager and Windows 10.



Applicable solutions

Public class

Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
To be determined 
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
August 12 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
September 16 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
October 28 2024
5 days / 35 hours

Private class

Virtual classroom
Minimum no. of participants: 5
5 days / 35 hours
Price on request
English or French
Training plan: 

Module 1: Managing computers and mobile devices in the enterprise

  • Overview of systems management by using enterprise management solutions
  • Overview of the Configuration Manager architecture
  • Overview of the Configuration Manager administrative tools
  • Tools for monitoring and troubleshooting a Configuration Manager site
  • Lab 1: Exploring the Configuration Manager tools
  • Exploring the Configuration Manager Tools

Module 2: Analyzing data using queries, reports, and CMPivot

  • Introduction to queries
  • Configuring SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Analyzing the real-time state of a device by using CMPivot
  • Lab 1: Creating and running queries
  • Creating data queries
  • Creating subselect queries
  • Lab 2: Configuring SSRS
  • Configuring a reporting services point
  • Lab 3: Analyzing the real-time state of a device by using CMPivot
  • Using CMPivot to Analyze the current state of devices
  • Module 3: Preparing the Configuration Manager management infrastructure
  • Configuring site boundaries and boundary groups
  • Configuring resource discovery
  • Organizing resources using device and user collections
  • Lab 1: Configuring boundaries and resource discovery
  • Configuring boundaries, boundary groups, and fallback relationships
  • Configuring Active Directory discovery methods
  • Lab 2: Configuring user and device collections
  • Creating a device collection
  • Creating a user collection
  • Configuring a maintenance window

Module 4: Deploying and managing the Configuration Manager client

  • Overview of the Configuration Manager client
  • Deploying the Configuration Manager client
  • Configuring and monitoring client status
  • Managing client settings and performing management operations
  • Lab 1: Deploying the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager client software
  • Preparing the site for client installation
  • Deploying the Configuration Manager client software by using client push installation
  • Lab 2: Configuring and monitoring client status
  • Configuring and monitoring client health status
  • Lab 3: Managing client settings
  • Configuring client settings
  • Performing management operations

Module 5: Managing inventory for PCs and applications

  • Overview of inventory collection
  • Configuring hardware and software inventory
  • Managing inventory collection
  • Configuring software metering
  • Configuring and managing Asset Intelligence
  • Lab 1: Configuring and managing inventory collection
  • Configuring and managing hardware inventory
  • Lab 2: Configuring software metering
  • Configuring software metering
  • Lab 3: Configuring and managing Asset Intelligence
  • Preparing the site for Asset Intelligence
  • Configuring Asset Intelligence
  • Monitoring license agreements by using Asset Intelligence
  • Viewing Asset Intelligence reports

Module 6: Distributing and managing content used for deployments

  • Preparing the infrastructure for content management
  • Distributing and managing content on distribution points
  • Lab 1: Distributing and managing content for deployments
  • Installing a new distribution point
  • Managing content distribution

Module 7: Deploying and managing applications

  • Overview of application management
  • Creating applications
  • Deploying applications
  • Managing applications
  • Deploying and managing Windows apps
  • Lab 1: Creating and deploying applications
  • Creating applications with requirements
  • Deploying applications
  • Lab 2: Managing application supersedence and removal
  • Managing application supersedence
  • Uninstalling the Excel Viewer application
  • Lab 3: Using Configuration Manager to deploy Windows apps
  • Configuring support for sideloading Windows apps
  • Configuring a Windows app
  • Deploying Windows apps to user

Module 8: Maintaining software updates for managed PCs

  • The software updates process
  • Preparing a Configuration Manager site for software updates
  • Managing software updates
  • Configuring automatic deployment rules
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting software updates
  • Enabling third-party updates
  • Lab 1: Configuring the site for software updates
  • Configuring and synchronizing the software update point
  • Lab 2: Deploying and managing software updates
  • Determining software update compliance
  • Deploying software updates to clients
  • Configuring automatic deployment rules

Module 9: Implementing Defender Protection for managed PCs

  • Overview of Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager
  • Configuring, deploying, and monitoring Endpoint Protection policies
  • Configuring and deploying advanced threat policies
  • Lab 1: Implementing Endpoint Protection
  • Configuring the Endpoint Protection point and client settings
  • Configuring and deploying Endpoint Protection policies
  • Monitoring Endpoint Protection
  • Lab 2: Implementing advanced threat policies
  • Creating and deploying advanced threat protection policies

Module 10: Managing compliance and secure data access

  • Overview of Compliance Settings
  • Configuring compliance settings
  • Viewing compliance results
  • Managing resource and data access
  • Lab 1: Managing compliance settings
  • Managing configuration items and baselines
  • Viewing compliance settings and reports
  • Configuring remediation in compliance settings
  • Using compliance information to create collections

Module 11: Managing operating system deployment

  • An overview of operating system deployment
  • Preparing a site for operating system deployment
  • Deploying an operating system
  • Managing Windows as a service
  • Lab 1: Preparing the site for operating-system deployment
  • Managing the site system roles used to support operating system deployment
  • Managing packages to support operating system deployment
  • Lab 2: Deploying operating-system images for bare-metal installations
  • Preparing the operating system image
  • Creating a task sequence to deploy an image
  • Deploying an image

Module 12: Managing and maintaining a Configuration Manager site

  • Configuring role-based administration
  • Configuring Remote Tools
  • Overview of Configuration Manager site maintenance and Management Insights
  • Backing up and recovering a Configuration Manager site
  • Updating the Configuration Manager infrastructure
  • Lab 1: Configuring role-based administration
  • Configuring a new scope for Toronto administrators
  • Configuring a new administrative user
  • Lab 2: Configuring Remote Tools
  • Configuring the Remote Tools client settings and permissions
  • Managing desktops by using Remote Control
  • Lab 3: Maintaining a Configuration Manager site
  • Configuring maintenance tasks in Configuration Manager
  • Configuring the Backup Site Server task
  • Recovering a site from a backup

Module 13: What’s new in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

  • Whats new in Microsoft Endpoint Manager covering each semi annual release

  • One year access to the class recording
  • 180 days access to the lab environment after class
  • Course material accessible in electronic format
  • Digital course attendance certificate
  • Networking fundamentals, including common networking protocols, topologies, hardware, media, routing, switching, and addressing.

  • Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles and fundamentals of AD DS management.

  • Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting for Windows-based personal computers.
  • Basic concepts of public key infrastructure (PKI) security.
  • Basic understanding of scripting and Windows PowerShell syntax.
  • Basic understanding of Windows Server roles and services.
  • Basic understanding of the configuration options for iOS and Android Mobile device platforms.


At its core, our course delves into the heart of Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM), equipping you with the expertise to wield its potent features. Gone are the days of manual deployments and tedious updates. This comprehensive training unveils the secrets of streamlining application and software distribution, ensuring your fleet operates at peak efficiency. Imagine commanding software rollouts with surgical precision, targeting specific devices or user groups with tailored configurations. It equips you with the finesse to orchestrate these digital ballet performances. 

But the magic of our training extends far beyond mere deployment. Delve into the intricacies of inventory management and harness the power of detailed insights. Uncover the hidden secrets lurking within your devices, from hardware configurations to installed software. This newfound knowledge transforms into actionable intelligence, empowering you to optimize resource allocation, proactively address potential issues, and ensure compliance with internal regulations or industry standards. 


The security front becomes your fortress. Learn to wield Endpoint Protection like a shield, warding off malware and malicious intrusions before they wreak havoc. Configure policies, deploy antivirus solutions, and monitor threats with hawk-like vigilance. This newfound expertise transforms you into the guardian of your digital domain, ensuring the sanctity of your data and the peace of mind of your users. 

Proactive compliance becomes your mantra. Master the art of crafting configuration items, baselines, and profiles, meticulously shaping every device into alignment with your desired state. Imagine a world where settings propagate automatically, ensuring consistency and eliminating the risk of human error.  

Site Management 

Beyond the technical prowess, our hones your operational mastery. Grasp the intricacies of site management, ensuring the smooth operation of your MECM infrastructure. Learn to navigate the console with confidence, wielding its tools with surgical precision. Delve into the depths of logging and trace analysis, transforming cryptic codes into actionable insights. This operational virtuosity elevates you from technician to conductor, orchestrating the flawless performance of your MECM environment. 

Our program is not just about acquiring skills; it's about transcending into a new realm of administrative awareness. You no longer react to the chaos; you anticipate, predict, and orchestrate. The once-daunting landscape of endpoint management transforms into a canvas upon which you paint your vision of efficiency, security, and compliance. 


MS-55348 not only focuses on Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and Windows 11 but also provides knowledge that remains relevant for previous editions of System Center Configuration Manager and Windows 10. This comprehensive course equips IT professionals with essential skills to manage network resources efficiently, ensuring seamless operations within enterprise environments. 

Common Questions about MS 55348 (FAQ) 

What does a configuration manager do? 

A configuration manager is responsible for overseeing and managing an organization's technology infrastructure, ensuring that systems and applications run smoothly. They handle tasks such as software deployment, system updates, hardware and software inventory, security management, and more to maintain operational efficiency. 

What is the product of Microsoft SCCM? 

The product associated with Microsoft SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) is Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM). Formerly known as SCCM, MECM is an integrated solution for managing devices and applications in an enterprise environment. 

What is the overview of MECM? 

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) is a comprehensive management solution that assists IT professionals in deploying and managing devices, applications, and updates within an organization. It enables efficient management of network resources, including client health monitoring, software deployment, inventory management, and security configurations. 

What replaced SCCM? 

Microsoft SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) was succeeded by Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM). MECM is the evolved version of SCCM, integrating modern features and capabilities to address the dynamic needs of managing devices and applications in contemporary IT environments. 

Contact us for more information on pricing::

Office: 1-888-718-9732
E-mail: info@eccentrix.ca

130, King Street West, Suite 1800
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1E3