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Password manager security featured image

Password manager security - which to choose?

In a time when we have dozens of accounts, either personal or for work, there's a need to use a safe place for all of your passwords -  password managers. They hide all of your passwords behind one master password.  Choosing the right password manager solution is critical for online...

importance of github featured image

Why GitHub Matters

GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaborative software development. It is widely considered one of the most important tools in the software development industry and has become a crucial part of the modern software development workflow.  Here are some reasons why...

onedrive tips featured image

Five Tips for Getting the Most out of OneDrive's Cloud Storage Features

OneDrive is a cloud storage service provided by Microsoft that allows you to store, access, and share your files across multiple devices. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of OneDrive's cloud storage features: 1. Take Advantage of OneDrive's Auto-Sync Feature: OneDrive offers an...

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Common types of cyberattacks and countermeasures – a brief explanation

In today’s world, our valuable properties include digital information – e-mail accounts, e-banking, company’s documentation, personal data, etc. Everything has become digital. Because of that, cyberattacks have evolved to a point where serious efforts need to be taken to ensure our information...

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Ten Wi-Fi security tips

Technology brings great benefits for your business, and to you as an everyday user. However, the more a device, a network, or system is used, the more it is prone to computer attacks. Wi-Fi has been one of the most promising technology for the past years, and it continues to connect our lives with...

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Surprising facts and statistics about cybersecurity

The cybersecurity industry is growing rapidly and the demand for cybersecurity professionals is higher than ever, with unemployment rates at…0%! After a year that saw the highest increase in cybercrime rates in history, due to the increase in the number of people working from home, it is more...

Everything you need to know about the new certfied ethical hacker v12 featured image

What you need to know about the new Certified Ethical Hacker v12

Over time, technology changes, and so do training and certification pathways, including the CEHv12. The new learning program consists of training, labs, assessments, and mock tests to learn more about the techniques sufficient to fight against a series of competitors on a global scale.The new...
