
Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate (AZ204)

The AZ-204, titled "Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure," stands as a pivotal certification for professionals’ keen on mastering Azure development. Tailored for Azure developers, this course accentuates the creation, implementation, testing, and maintenance of cloud solutions utilizing a spectrum of Microsoft Azure services and tools. Students will learn how to implement Azure compute solutions, create Azure Functions, implement, and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, implement authentication and authorization, and secure their solutions by using KeyVault and Managed Identities. Students will also learn how to connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services and include event- and message-based models in their solutions. The course also covers monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure solutions. 

This training is a comprehensive preparation for the AZ-204 exam to earn the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certification.


Applicable solutions

Public class

Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
August 12 2024
Virtual classroom
Guaranteed to runGuaranteed to run
September 16 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
October 21 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
November 25 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
December 16 2024
Virtual classroom
Planned datePlanned date
January 27 2025
5 days / 35 hours

Private class

Virtual classroom
Minimum no. of participants: 5
5 days / 35 hours
Price on request
English or French
Training plan: 

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204T00)

Module 1: Explore Azure App Service

  • Examine Azure App Service
  • Examine Azure App Service plans
  • Deploy to App Service
  • Explore authentication and authorization in App Service
  • Discover App Service networking features

Module 2: Configure web app settings

  • Configure application settings
  • Configure general settings
  • Configure path mappings
  • Enable diagnostic logging
  • Configure security certificates
  • Manage app features

Module 3: Scale apps in Azure App Service

  • Examine autoscale factors
  • Identify autoscale factors
  • Enable autoscale in App Service
  • Explore autoscale best practices

Module 4: Explore Azure App Service deployment slots

  • Explore staging environments
  • Examine slot swapping
  • Swap deployment slots
  • Route traffic in App Service

Module 5: Explore Azure Functions

  • Discover Azure Functions
  • Compare Azure Functions hosting options
  • Scale Azure Functions

Module 6: Develop Azure Functions

  • Explore Azure Functions development
  • Create triggers and bindings
  • Connect functions to Azure services

Module 7: Implement Durable Functions

  • Explore Durable Functions app patterns
  • Discover the four function types
  • Explore task hubs
  • Explore durable orchestrations
  • Control timing in Durable Functions
  • Send and wait for events

Module 8: Explore Azure Blob storage

  • Explore Azure Blob storage
  • Discover Azure Blob storage resource types
  • Explore Azure Storage security features
  • Evaluate Azure Storage redundancy options

Module 9: Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle

  • Explore the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
  • Discover Blob storage lifecycle policies
  • Implement Blob storage lifecycle policies
  • Rehydrate blob data from the archive tier

Module 10: Work with Azure Blob storage

  • Explore Azure Blob storage client library
  • Manage container properties and metadata by using .NET
  • Set and retrieve properties and metadata for blob resources by using REST

Module 11: Explore Azure Cosmos DB

  • Identify key benefits of Azure Cosmos DB
  • Explore the resource hierarchy
  • Explore consistency levels
  • Choose the right consistency level
  • Explore supported APIs
  • Discover request units

Module 12: Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB

  • Explore partitions
  • Choose a partition key
  • Create a synthetic partition key

Module 13: Work with Azure Cosmos DB

  • Explore Microsoft .NET SDK v3 for Azure Cosmos DB
  • Create stored procedures
  • Create triggers and user-defined functions

Module 14: Provision virtual machines in Azure

  • Explore Azure virtual machines
  • Compare virtual machine availability options
  • Determine appropriate virtual machine size

Module 15: Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates

  • Explore Azure Resource Manager
  • Deploy multi-tiered solutions
  • Explore conditional deployment
  • Set the correct deployment mode

Module 16: Manage container images in Azure Container Registry

  • Discover the Azure Container Registry
  • Explore storage capabilities
  • Build and manage containers with tasks
  • Explore elements of a Dockerfile

Module 17: Run container images in Azure Container Instances

  • Explore Azure Container Instances
  • Run containerized tasks with restart policies
  • Set environment variables in container instances
  • Mount an Azure file share in Azure Container Instances

Module 18: Explore the Microsoft identity platform

  • Explore the Microsoft identity platform
  • Explore service principals
  • Discover permissions and consent
  • Discover conditional access

Module 19: Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library

  • Explore the Microsoft Authentication Library
  • Initialize client applications

Module 20: Implement shared access signatures

  • Discover shared access signatures
  • Choose when to use shared access signatures
  • Explore stored access policies

Module 21: Explore Microsoft Graph

  • Discover Microsoft Graph
  • Query Microsoft Graph by using REST
  • Query Microsoft Graph by using SDKs
  • Apply best practices to Microsoft Graph

Module 22: Implement Azure Key Vault

  • Explore Azure Key Vault
  • Discover Azure Key Vault best practices
  • Authenticate to Azure Key Vault

Module 23: Implement managed identities

  • Explore managed identities
  • Discover the managed identities authentication flow
  • Configure managed identities
  • Acquire an access token

Module 24: Implement Azure App Configuration

  • Explore the Azure App Configuration service
  • Create paired keys and values
  • Manage application features
  • Secure app configuration data

Module 25: Explore API Management

  • Discover the API Management service
  • Explore API gateways
  • Explore API Management policies
  • Create advanced policies
  • Secure APIs by using subscriptions
  • Secure APIs by using certificates

Module 26: Explore Azure Event Grid

  • Explore Azure Event Grid
  • Discover event schemas
  • Explore event delivery durability
  • Control access to events
  • Receive events by using webhooks
  • Filter events

Module 27: Explore Azure Event Hubs

  • Discover Azure Event Hubs
  • Explore Event Hubs Capture
  • Scale your processing application
  • Control access to events
  • Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library

Module 28: Discover Azure message queues

  • Choose a message queue solution
  • Explore Azure Service Bus
  • Discover Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions
  • Explore Service Bus message payloads and serialization
  • Explore Azure Queue Storage
  • Create and manage Azure Queue Storage and messages by using .NET

Module 29: Monitor app performance

  • Explore Azure Monitor
  • Explore Application Insights
  • Discover log-based metrics
  • Instrument an app for monitoring
  • Select an availability test
  • Troubleshoot app performance by using Application Map

Module 30: Develop for Azure Cache for Redis

  • Explore Azure Cache for Redis
  • Configure Azure Cache for Redis
  • Interact with Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET

Module 31: Develop for storage on CDNs

  • Explore Azure Content Delivery Networks
  • Control cache behavior on Azure Content Delivery Networks
  • Interact with Azure Content Delivery Networks by using .NET
  • One voucher to take the exam - $225 value!
  • One year access to the class recording
  • 180 days access to the lab environment after class
  • Up to date courseware with Microsoft Learn
  • Microsoft course achievement badge

To be successful in this course, learners should have the following:

  • Hands-on experience with Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions, and the Azure Portal.
  • Experience writing in an Azure supported language at the intermediate level. (C#, JavaScript, Python, or Java)
  • Ability to write code to connect and perform operations on, a SQL or NoSQL database product. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra or similar)
  • Experience writing code to handle authentication, authorization, and other security principles at the intermediate level.
  • A general understanding of HTML, the HTTP protocol and REST API interfaces.
Credentials information: 

Exam Characteristics 

  • Exam code: AZ-204 
  • Exam Title: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure 
  • Exam Duration: 120 minutes  
  • Number of Questions: 40 to 60  
  • Questions Format: Multiple-choice, multiple-answer, scenario-based 
  • Passing Score: 700 out of 1000 
  • Cost: $0 (included in your training) 

Exam Topics 

  • Develop Azure compute solutions  
  • Develop for Azure storage  
  • Implement Azure security  
  • Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions 
  • Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services 
  • All details...  

Understanding AZ-204 and Its Scope 

AZ-204, distinct from AZ-104 and AZ-400, holds a specific focus on Azure development. Unlike AZ-104, which emphasizes Azure administration, AZ-204 centers on application creation and management within the Azure environment. While AZ-400 delves into DevOps practices and is available as a certification track (within which the AZ-204 is included), AZ-204 concentrates on building and maintaining applications utilizing Azure services. 

Certification Insights 

The certification, "Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate (AZ-204)," typically remains valid for two years before necessitating renewal. This credential validates expertise in developing and implementing Azure solutions, marking proficiency in Azure's development aspects. 

Preparation and Study Resources 

Microsoft offers comprehensive official learning paths, modules, and documentation to prepare for AZ-204. These resources cover topics ranging from Azure services like Compute, Storage, and Database to identity management, security, and monitoring.  

Differences and Comparisons 

AZ-204 contrasts with AZ-104 and AZ-400 in terms of focus and objectives. While AZ-104 targets Azure administrators, AZ-204 concentrates on Azure development, emphasizing application creation, integration, and deployment. In contrast, AZ-400 delves into DevOps practices within Azure, combining development and operations aspects. 


In conclusion, AZ-204 stands as a significant certification for Azure developers, affirming their proficiency in building, deploying, and maintaining applications within the Azure environment. The comprehensive skills acquired through this certification open doors to diverse career opportunities in the realm of cloud application development. 

Common Questions about AZ-204 (Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate) (FAQ) 

Is AZ-204 difficult?  

AZ-204 can be challenging based on an individual's prior experience and familiarity with Azure services and development concepts. Adequate preparation, hands-on practice, and a strong understanding of Azure services are key to overcoming its challenges. 

Is AZ-204 enough to get a job?  

While AZ-204 certification showcases proficiency in Azure development, securing a job typically requires a combination of skills, including practical experience, problem-solving abilities, and an understanding of industry-specific demands. AZ-204 certification can significantly boost your credentials, but real-world experience often complements certification for job readiness. 

Is Azure AZ-204 certification worth it?  

Earning the Azure AZ-204 certification can be highly beneficial for professionals aiming to establish themselves as Azure developers. It validates expertise in developing and implementing solutions within the Azure environment, potentially leading to career advancement and enhanced job opportunities in cloud application development. 

How long is the AZ-204 exam preparation?  

The duration to prepare for the AZ-204 certification can vary based on an individual's existing knowledge and the time dedicated to studying. Typically, the course preparation might range from several weeks to a few months, considering self-study, online courses, practice tests, and practical hands-on experience required for thorough preparation. 

Contact us for more information on pricing::

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E-mail: info@eccentrix.ca

130, King Street West, Suite 1800
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1E3