Intranet Site Manager

An Intranet Site Manager is led to design and manage a tree structure of internal portals to the organization. The structure of sites can be built based on business units, geographic locations of the company, functions of individuals, etc. Websites then allow employees to collaborate in real time on documents, share and self-manage their part of the ecosystem.

The manager can use different site platforms, including a localized cloud-based content management system with integration features with a centralized account system through which access security as well as compliance can be applied.

The development courses below aim in particular to:

  • Introduce Microsoft SharePoint for users, advanced users, as well as site administrators;
  • Understand how to design a site tree to store content and search it efficiently;
  • Inform users of navigation possibilities in SharePoint sites;
  • Recognize good site management practices;
  • Implement compliance, including information retention, such as restricted access to data.
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This training provides the knowledge required to properly manage a SharePoint site environment in Microsoft's SaaS cloud computing.
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This training provides the knowledge required to manage an existing SharePoint Online site and collection infrastructure.
This user-level training informs participants of the essential notions of SharePoint site navigation, lists and libraries.